Happy 31 Days Eve!

It's 31-Days-of-Halloween Eve! The fun starts tomorrow. Because I'm trying to juggle a schedule that includes two cartoons, a book, preparing to move a thousand miles away, and work, I'm going to make this one a little easier for myself. There will be sixteen illustrations alternating with sixteen audio episodes (the last one will be posted with its illustration the same day). Tomorrow's installment will be a "cover" illustration, and it will be up tomorrow night. First audio episode goes up on Tuesday! But tomorrow's when you'll find out the title and get to see a few of the characters.

There might be a chance for some audience participation before the very last episode, so make sure you follow along! Are you ready? I SAID! Are! You! Ready!

Okay, pep rally over. Time to get some sleep before the big month. Watch this space for more!